Register Your Business in Georgia

Our company provides Company Formation Services in Georgia for more than 15 years. We help investors to establish their company in Georgia. We take care of all paperwork and allow clients to focus on their company formation process without having to worry about the legal formalities.


  • Limited Liability Company: A limited liability company in Georgia can be formed by not more than 50 shareholders, among whom the capital is distributed as shares. These shareholders are liable only to the extent of their respective contributions.
  • Joint Stock Company: A joint stock company (JSC) is a company that has its shares listed at the Georgian Stock Exchange. A JSC may issue both common and preference shares. And, like a limited liability company, its shareholders are not personally liable for the debts or obligations of the company.
  • General Partnership: A general partnership in Georgia can be formed by 2 or more people. The other stipulations for a general partnership remain same as that for a sole proprietorship. Its partners bear unlimited liability.
  • Limited Liability Partnership: A limited liability partnership in Georgia can be formed by at least 1 general partner and 1 limited partner. The general partner bears unlimited liability for the company’s debts and incomes, unlike the limited partner who has limited responsibilities as far as one’s contributions to the company’s capital are concerned.
  • Branch Office/Representative Office: A branch office is an offshoot of a company located abroad that wishes to conduct business in Georgia. Branch office is not deemed as local legal entity.
  • Sole Proprietorship: A sole proprietorship is not deemed as legal entity according to Georgian legislation. The sole proprietor, fully controls the sole proprietorship activities. Therefore, the owner bears unlimited liability, i.e., is fully liable for the debts and obligations of the sole proprietorship.


  • Georgia occupies a very strategic location on the world map, linking Asia and Europe, and has cordial relations with the European Union (EU), US, China, Turkey, and Iran.
  • Georgia has over 50 double taxation avoidance treaties with different countries including the UK, Singapore, Germany, India and China.
  • Company registration in Georgia is simple and involves few steps, and can be completed in a week.
  • The economy of Georgia is liberal, and the government promotes business incorporation and FDI.

For more information, please contact us any time.

Request Price by submitting below form

Please mention your active e-mail address
You can use any e-mail address
Please mention following details: Full name and surname, Country of Citizenship, Living address. In case of several shareholders please mention above details for each shareholders separately.
Please mention following details: Full name and surname, Country of Citizenship, Living address. In case of several directors please mention above details for each directors separately.
Please mention the list of activities of your company (e.g. Consultancy services, import/export, international trade, Construction, Tourism etc.)
Please mention whether you will personally visit Georgia for company formation purposes or shall we register your company remotely - by Power of Attorney